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The State of Registered Apprenticeship Training in the Construction Trades - 2024

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The State of Registered Apprenticeship Training in the Construction Trades – 2024

Relying on his decades of experience working with apprenticeship data for academic research, Dr. Cihan Bilginsoy (Professor Emeritus, University of Utah) has teamed with Dr. Russell Ormiston (Associate Professor, Allegheny College) to produce perhaps the most comprehensive statistical report published to date on construction apprenticeships in the United States.

The construction industry and its stakeholders face pressing long term issues regarding workforce sustainability, safety, productivity and integration of technology. The Institute for Construction Employment Research supports high quality research with the goal of finding and disseminating pragmatic solutions to these and other construction issues.  The Institute for Construction Employment Research (ICERES) undertakes non-partisan research on issues facing the industry, collaborating with existing construction researchers and attracting new investigators into the field of construction research. The Institute also works to develop a network of researchers with ongoing programs on construction issues. In addition to its work in supporting research, the Institute disseminates this research with a working paper series, a web presence, and conferences.

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